Thursday, June 01, 2006

Life takes...

Welcome to my new blog. I have been contemplating starting this, and now that school is officially out, I have the extra time to think, write, photograph and post on here.
So, to get us started, some random thoughts from my head!
  • softball...My husband and I were watching the Women's Softball College World Series game on tv earlier. Now, I have played recreational league slow-pitch softball since I was 9. I like to think I am pretty good at the game, and a decent hitter and fielder, but those girls...insane! They are ringing hits out of the park, throwing pitches in excess of 60 MPH and launching the ball from clear across the field. I told hubs, I would be up to bat, still watching for the ball to leave the pitchers hand and the ump would be calling a STRIKE on me. It is amazing to watch, and now I know why I never played fast-pitch ball. They are definitely inspiration for my game tomorrow night.
  • busy...I am so sick of people using "We've been so busy" as an excuse. Take for example my good friend N. Two weeks ago, we were supposed to take the kiddos to the Saturday farmer's market downtown. We spoke on Tuesday of that week and got the logistics all planned out. Saturday morning came, and went with no word from N. I wasn't going to call her first (childish, I know) but we are supposed to be planning a baby shower for another friend, and yet another friend wanted to know when it was going to be. SO, I called N this afternoon and got the "sorry I havn't called, we've been busy" excuse. Turns out, she never showed up for the market that Saturday because they ended up going out of town, which is fine, but please find the 2 seconds it takes to call so I am not sitting around my house with a toddler ready to go. We are supposedly getting together this Saturday to get the invites signed, sealed and delivered, so we'll see.
  • I am of the opinion that you are never too busy to make time for things that are important to you. If our friendship is something you value, then please do something to show me that. I don't want to have to be the one to always call, because then I feel like I am being a bother.
  • SUMMER!!! I am officially done with work for two and half glorious months! I had to go in today to check out of my classroom. What a waste of a morning. I definitely could have taken care of all of that yesterday afternoon when I was sitting around in my clean classroom, reading blogs for three hours. Then maybe today I could have spent some time on a summer passion o' mine, garage sales.

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